Mike Olshansky in Hack

David Morse - Hack

To: CBS Television

Quality is much more appealing than some of junk reality shows and stupid vapid humorless sitcoms offered on TV. CBS has been giving the adult viewer quality shows like CSI for sometime now so why stop! Hack has brought a new dimension to television. David Morse has returned to the small screen in a big way. 

Not only are we gathering at each other’s houses to have Hack watching groups because of the wonderful and talented David Morse but for the ever evolving story line of human nature.  The depth of human flaws and the desire for redemption is perfectly acted out by a stellar cast. The story line has gotten better with each show. The direction leaves you wanting more and anticipating the next move of each character. 

This is more than a TV show about what a murder or some redone to death mystery each week. It’s about human nature and we the viewers get it! We get the idea and we get the point of it all.  

David Morse portrays a man of many dimensions and mixed feelings with such ease and class. Even when “Mike” is making another tremendous mistake, David’s character shines through and makes the guy still likable. 

Andre’ Braugher is wonderful and who else can play a man you love to hate? Andre’ will keep the tension thick with the intensity he gives “Marcellus.”

Hack deserves to be kept and pumped up with even more intense story lines. With respect and frankly begging, please keep Hack on the air. 



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Last modified Sunday, May 4, 2003