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Hack: Up Close and Personal
A few lucky individuals have had the opportunity to be associated in one form or another with Hack. Their stories are featured on this page.
Do you have a personal Hack story that you would like featured here? If so, please let us know.
Eli Harris |
I have to say that it was a pleasure and an honor to work with David Morse and Andre Braugher on Hack. I was fortunate to have worked on every episode that was shot this year. In Fog Of War, I was supposed to be a featured extra as the negotiator, but that whole part got the axe. But that's OK, I still learned a lot.
Working with David Morse is a true learning experience. A lot of people take his quietness as being anti-social, but it is actually quite the opposite. I had the honor of speaking with him a few times. The man is a very serious actor and watching him in person is more valuable than any class that's available.
As I was able to absorb as much as I did from the set, I have greatly improved on my auditions and am getting decent work now. Andre is also truly a blessing. He has to be one of the most humble people I have ever met. He takes time out to converse with many of the talent on the set and seems genuinely interested.
All and all, it sucks that Hack got hacked. The show was great for the city and gave a lot of people credit and work.
Thanks for the opportunity to share my experience.
Related Links
A Larger Photo of Eli Harris
A Photo of Eli Harris and Andre Braugher
Pat Chambers |
The episodes of Hack that I acted as an extra, featured extra, stand-in, or precision driver include All Others Pay Cash, Presumed Guilty, Hidden Agenda, Collateral Damage, To Have and Have Not, Fog Of War, One For My Baby, Misty Blue, and more.
I really enjoyed working with the cast and crew. There were so many awesome people that are etched in my memory forever. I would like to thank them for their company as well as enlightenment and inspiration... David and Andre, Jacqueline, Craig, Mark, Paul, Tudor, and on and on.
I am branching out into filmmaking, now, as well. There was a scene we did where we were all recovering crack addicts, chanting the NA creed, which seemed to have hit the cutting room floor but I want to thank Jason from Heery Casting for thinking of me in that way. One night, doing a driving scene, up and down Delaware Avenue, everyone was so in tune that I thought we had created a new sport for the Olympics, "Synchronized Driving."
All in all there were wonderful experiences and I will miss them, and everyone, that is HACK.
Related Links
A Larger Photo of Pat Chambers
George Pellegrino |
I worked on two Hack episodes this year. One was Misty Blue. It was taped at "Signatures," a gentlemen's club here in Philly.
Anyway we were bar patrons at the club and we were supposed to be watching the strippers and cheering etc.
It was a long day and at one point, one of the young techies was on stage where the strippers had just been. I grabbed a couple of fake dollars and threw them up on stage and started yelling "Go Eddie," Go Eddie."
The entire cast and crew picked up on it and they all started yelling "GO EDDIE, GO EDDIE." It was sooo funny! Eddie didn't know what to do and started to dance, and we started cheering etc.
It really broke up the day.
(George Pellegrino was the primary coordinator of the We Back Our Hack Rally held in Philadelphia on April 24, 2004)
Related Links
A Larger Photo of George Pellegrino
Chris McMullin |
My name is Chris McMullin and I have been fortunate enough to work on Hack 5 times. On 3 occasions I was background seen walking by David Morse and Andre Braugher. On 2 occasions I played a Detective in the police district that Andre Braugher's character is assigned. On several occasions I am sitting at desk across from both David and Andre on the set. No speaking parts yet but I am trying!
It's a big thrill to me just to be on the set with them. I have met both David Morse and Andre Braugher and find them to be very nice people. The last time I worked on the show I had the pleasure of sitting with Andre Braugher for a few minutes and chatting about a variety of topics. He is a very down to earth individual and a genuinely nice person. All of the crew are great people and I have enjoyed meeting them and working along with them.
Thanks to Hack and Heery Casting I am now a SAG member. I hope that the show has continued success and I want to thank all those involved with it for the great experiences and opportunities to work with them. I was born and raised in Philadelphia and to have such a great television show filmed here is a thrill to me.
Related Links:
A Larger Photo of Chris McMullin
David Sitbon and E. Caesar Jarrett |
David Sitbon has recently made yet another appearance on Hack. He was in episode 2-5, Out of the Ashes. This was David's first time back on the Hack set for Season 2.
"This time around, I got to play what I do in real life: a Philadelphia forensic autopsy technician (background character)", Sitbon said. "You'll see me take a body out in a body bag on a stretcher of a club, which was filmed on location at Club Shampoo here in Philly."
In addition, the other man pushing the stretcher with David in the episode is also a forensic autopsy technician from Philly. His name is E. Caesar Jarrett and this was his first time on the show. Caesar and David work together at the Philadelphia OME and both said they enjoyed their experience in Episode 2-5. "I was glad that Caesar got to meet both David Morse and Andre Braugher -- They are both great guys!" Sitbon said. "Plus, Caesar got some great exposure on film, especially since it was his first time on. The camera even panned to follow Caesar walking with the stretcher a bit, which made me a little jealous but I was also so happy for him!" Both Caesar and David are looking forward to appearing on more Hack episodes in the future.
"I have David Morse Online to thank for my most recent appearance on Hack," Sitbon stated. "Apparently, the casting agency thought of me for the part considering my line of work. When they couldn't find my file, they referred to David Morse Online's Hack: Up Close and Personal section to obtain my contact information."
David Sitbon is going to be featured with his first speaking role in a B horror film. It's called Suburban Sasquatch and it should be available on VHS and DVD in March, 2004.
Related Links:
David and Caesar's Scene in Out of the Ashes
Suburban Sasquatch
Helene Masiko |
I am a Philadelphia area actress. I appeared in an episode of Hack (Episode 2-5 Out Of The Ashes), which aired on October 25, 2003.
Although, I make most of my living as a "Cher" impersonator. If you'd like, please view my web site.
As a result of my appearance in Out of the Ashes, I was called by David's assistant, and asked to come on to the set, as "Cher," as a surprise appearance for David's 50th birthday party, on the set.
I wrote a custom 'Cher" song parody for the occasion, "I Got You, Dave," based on Sonny and Cher's famous hit, "I Got You, Babe," which was a huge success and a glorious moment for me.
Afterwards, I sat down and had dinner with Andre Braugher. What a sweet, down-to-earth gentleman he is!
Related Links:
Click on Helene's photo (above) to see Helene as 'Cher.'
Helene's "I Got You Dave" Parody Song (4.7MB MP3 File) (It's a big download, so be patient.)
The Lyrics from "I Got You Dave" written and performed by Helene Masiko (Courtesy of Yoshiko, of the DMFSJ)
Helene's The Fun Department Web Site
Greg Young |
My name is Greg Young and I have appeared on Hack on three different occasions. The first was True Lies where I played the featured role of a thug. The funny thing about this episode is that Mike Olshansky is thinking back to when the money was first taken. So, as it turned out, my character was present when things went bad for him as a cop.
The second episode I was a pedestrian walking past David in a scene in south Philly. My third role was a featured role as a sniper's assistant in the upcoming episode My Fare Lady I will talk more about that after it's airing.
I must say, although I did not have any lines, I had the opportunity to talk with David all three times that I was on set. He even remembered me after True Lies which says a lot about him as a person. He was very friendly and down to earth. I also talked with Andre' on the set of True Lies and found that he was also down to earth and did not look down on you, but instead would start a conversation and share a laugh.
Because of Hack I am now SAG eligible and hope to join the union in the very near future. Thanks to the crew who all were very friendly and a lot of fun to work with. A special thanks to the production manager, Mark, for being cool at all three tapings.
Related Links:
A larger version of Greg's Photo
Jim Loftus |
I'm Jim Loftus, an actor/musician/composer who has been proud to be associated with Hack for 4 episodes--3 last year (#8--Songs in the Night, #11--Obsession, #15--Brothers In Arms) and episode #3 for the upcoming new season entitled Presumed Guilty.)
I grew up in Philly, yet have lived in Montgomery County since 1972 and had rarely returned until last year and I have Hack and the folks at Mike Lemon and Diane Heery Casting to thank. I was able to obtain a SAG waiver for all 4 episodes(Screen Actors Guild)--once you reach 4 you become a "SAG-must join" and so I look forward to becoming a full-time SAG member.
Last year's 3 episodes I did are described in my article entitled Getting the Hack of Hack which will give you an inner glimpse into the Hack set. I played a Doctor, a Hotel Guest at the Omni, and a cop--the days were long, not much if anything of me was seen--but I feel I'll make up for it in the upcoming season.
In Presumed Guilty I play a father watching his kids (Jimmy and Katie--real-life brother & sister--adorable!) at a playground--I react to a guy yelling at a woman as she yanks her child off the swing and runs from him. Another scene I play a pedestrian crossing the street just ahead of Olshansky; he recognizes some bad guy and chases him on foot down 42nd St., crossing Chester.
Between takes David and I chatted about the oppresive heat on this August day which yielded frequently to drizzle; yet at 1:15 we were forced to take a lunchbreak as the heavens opened and drenched us for a good hour or more. We would return to 42nd and Chester and film varying versions of David's chase scene--and my silver Honda CRV can be seen approaching the stop sign at that intersection (we get additional pay for using our vehicles--and I learned that we humorously also get "wet pay" for being rain-doused!)
After 5:30 PM , we all went to the old Philly Civic Center to where I can be seen in dirtied dickies as a mechanic--David's taxi approaches its' parking lot as I cross in front of it and glance his way; I then cross back later and do some inventory; in another scene, I'm stocking tires. Though I was somewhat of a blur in my other episodes--methinks I'll be seen prominently in the new seasons #3 episode--which airs October 11th. Extra work is hard and grueling but ultimately gratifying--and David and his crew are very cool to work with.
Related Links
Getting the Hack of Hack (Jim Loftus' personal re-telling of his experiences in Hack)
Jim's music webpages (to hear and obtain his original CDs and see bio info):
CD Baby: JIM LOFTUS: The Fame Game - hear and buy it at CD BABY
CD Baby: JIM LOFTUS: ROCKUPERATION - hear and buy it at CD BABY
Keith Moyer |
I had a chance to be in Hack Episode 15 Brothers in Arms in 2 different scenes. I can be "scene" in the very beginning packing and leaving from the church to protest the scheduled execution of Chad Lowe's character "Jimmy Scanlon" ( I am the big guy with long hair and Van Dyke beard standing against the wall and loading a vehicle behind George Dzundza and David Morse who are arguing over the right and wrong aspects of the execution) and I was also in the television news scene of the protest at the prison that "Jimmy Scanlon" is watching ..... even my conversion van made it slightly into a shot behind the school bus in the first scene.
Everybody and I mean everybody on set those couple of days were incredibly professional and worked very hard to make this an outstanding episode. Both David Morse and George Dzundza were extremely polite with everyone including people off set...George even joined us for lunch at the craft services tables... I am sorry to hear that "Grizz" will be dropped as a regular character from the show.
I am working toward being a part of another production in the second season but if not I sure am glad this was the episode that I got booked for. Keep an eye out for me in Kevin Smith's Jersey Girl with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez as a video news photographer at the Hard Rock Cafe and an audience member for a play later in the film......and more projects to come now that the film industry is looking around Philly more and more.... I would like to call it the "Philm Industry"!!!
Related Links
View a larger version of Keith's photo
Steven Daniels |
I worked on Episode 7, Husbands and Wives and on Episode 19, Signature. I enjoyed working with everyone involved in the Hack production, all of my experiences were good. I met a few good friends while working on the show.
It was a pleasure working with David Morse. He is a very nice and down-to-earth person. In Husbands and Wives I can be seen in the Rittenhouse Square park scene, walking in front of Heather and Mike with a young lady, holding hands. In Signature, I played one of the cops at the police station, whom Marcellus and Rossi were addressing concerning assignments for the murder investigation.
I hope to be involved with the show, again, when production begins on Season 2 of Hack.
Related Links
Steven Daniels Scene in Husbands and Wives (780 KB Quicktime Movie)
Steven Daniels Scene in Signature (820KB QuickTime Movie)
View a larger version of Steven's photo
Joey Perillo |
Joey Perillo was featured in Hack Episode 19 Signature as boat store owner Larry Noble who converses with Washington and Rossi in his boating store as the latter two are tracking down clues in search of the murderer.
Please check out Joey's web site for further details and information on his appearance in Signature. And stay tuned to this space for more info from Joey on his appearance in the episode.
Related Links
Joey Perillo's Web Site
Joey Perillo's Scene In Signature
Dave Sitbon |
I've recently made my 3rd appearance on Hack for Episode 19: Signature.
This time, I play a Crime Scene Unit Officer (background character). I'm only in one scene this time. It is a night scene where a homicide has taken place. You'll see me "talking" to a grey-haired officer (Michael Tekirian, shown at right in the photo) with a flash light, as Andre Braugher is getting out of his car. As he (Andre) starts towards the steps, towards the house where the homicide occurred, you will see me follow the officer with the flash light until we are out of the scene.
It was great. Plus this time, we were not in the Civic Center...We were near 36th and Baring where there were actual houses.
I also saw David Morse again. He gave me a nice hello and was friendly as usual. He was wearing a fake mustache because he was playing in a flash back scene when he was a cop who was at a very similar homicide scene as the one that Washington is assigned to in the present day.
Related Links:
View Dave's Behind the Scenes Photos from Hack Episode 19, Signature
The Opening Scene in Hack Episode 19 Signature (682 KB QuickTime Movie)
Pete Carmen |
I have had the pleasure of working on Hack several times as a background extra and was a featured extra in episode #10 All Night Long. I was elevator technician #2 and helped "Johnny from Texas" lift "large man" out of a stuck elevator. The scene was a particularly funny one in which Mike Olshansky's apparent problem with claustrophobia is exposed.
I can only add to the great things to be said about David Morse. Although I did not have any lines in the scene, it was great to have worked with David and all the others involved in the production. I have always been treated with great respect by everyone on the set and I think it must come in part from David setting the tone. Hack has been an exceptional opportunity for all the actors in the area. I hope that the show will have a very successful run and that I will one day land a speaking part on Hack.
Related Links:
Pete Carmen's Scene in All Night Long (High, 1.6 MB QT Movie)
View a larger version of Pete's photo
Rachel Elisabeth Suder |
Cyndie Suder checks in with this account of her daughter, Rachel's, recent appearence on Hack Episode 16, Black Eye.
"I wanted to write and let you know about the wonderful episode of Hack that aired on Feb. 14th, Black Eye. We are avid fans of the show, and support the work that David Morse has brought to the local acting community. But I wouldn't be a good mother if I didn't mention that this episode will forever have a special place in my heart for another reason. My daughter Rachel is managed by Viola Perrone at Viola Talent Group in Cherry Hill, NJ. Because of her, Rachel has had the opportunity to audition for several principal roles on Hack, but has not yet booked one. So when she was asked, by Mike Lemon Casting, if she would like to join a group of children to sing on Episode 16 we jumped at the chance.
While Rachel had a wonderful time participating in the program, she really fell in love with David. She said he winked at her and took the time to speak to her. Being six years old, she does not realize the magnitude of his presence or importance on the show. He was just a nice guy that worked there. When we logged onto the site, to get episode information, she said "Oh look it's my friend David, I hope he got a part on the show"....Out of the mouths of babes.
When the program aired we were delighted with the amount of air time she received. When an actor chooses to do background work, they realize that they are taking a chance. Some, if not all of your camera time can end up on the editing room floor, if you are lucky enough to be used in a scene at all. So when the camera panned and focused on her the first time, we were overjoyed, when they did it a second...and a third time, we couldn't believe our eyes. They really featured Rachel throughout the entire hospital pediatric scene.
However, my greatest accolades go out to Mike Lemon and Diane Heery at Mike Lemon Casting. They took kindness to a whole new level by inviting children who have recently completed treatment for cancer to participate in the Hospital scenes. The cast and crew treated these children like the "true" celebrities that they are. There was no masking the joy and importance all the children felt in being a part of such a wonderful program.
My daughter has been in this business since she was 2.5 years old, she has a full resume, and this was by far the best experience that she or I has ever had within the industry. The entire experience was wonderful from beginning to end. The production crew that handled the kids was fantastic, the kids themselves were phenomenal, and the casting crew that put the whole thing together were right on the money. All the way around it was a fantastic experience.
Although Rachel fell asleep before Episode 16 aired, we did tape it. When she watched the video Saturday morning after dance class, I know she was overjoyed to see that David Morse did get a part on Hack...just like her!
All the Suders would like to thank Viola for all her hard work and effort in providing Rachel with this wonderful opportunity and wish EVERYONE at Hack a long and successful run!"
Cyndie and Rachel Suder
Related Links:
Rachel Elisabeth Suder's Scene in Black Eye (High, 2.8 MB QT Movie)
View a larger version of Rachel's photo
Sara Jane Blazo |
Here's a story from Sara Jane Blazo:
" I have worked on Hack 7 or 8 times - as a nun 3 times, a policewoman once, and various background and stand-in positions, the others (unfortunately no "lines" yet!!) over the last 8 months or so, and David Morse is one of the nicest actors I have had the pleasure to work with.
In the 20 years I have been a SAG actor, I have been on many films, TV shows and commercials with many "celebrities", most of whom did not care much about the background actors and rarely gave any of us the time of day.
Although David is a "quiet guy," I have witnessed some unnecessary acts of kindness, friendliness, and graciousness from him that frankly, really surprised and pleased me. I wish him all the success with Hack he deserves and hope some of his caring attitude rubs off on other not so insightful actors.
My best to David."
Chuck Pressler |
Chuck Pressler makes his second appearance here in the Hack: Up Close and Personal Section:
In Episode 14, Forgive But Don't Forget I play a paramedic working on a child who has been shot in the head after being caught in cross fire after his father interrupts a robbery in progress.
The set was cold that night and I had the chance to work with Andre Braugher and his new partner, Paul Edelstein. There was a lot of time put into the shot with details and the people on the set were great. I brought one of my partners from work to play my partner on the set at the request of the casting company.
I work as a Paramedic in Bucks County, PA. I have a good idea as to what is going on when they ask me to do the scenes such as this!
Related Links
Chuck Pressler's scene in Forgive But Don't Forget (741 KB QuickTime Movie)
Dave Sitbon |
Dave makes his second appearance here in the Hack: Up Close and Personal section with this recounting of his upcoming appearance in a future Hack episode:
"I just got back from filming from Hack. I had such a good time! It was for episode 1-14: Forgive But Don't Forget.
This time around went by much smoother than the 1st time. I felt much more calm and comfortable, in addition, I was asked to do more things on film which helped the day go by quicker. I played a business patron (background character) in "Holly's Diner" for two different scenes in two different outfits. Also, I was in quite a few scenes as a pedestrian outside the diner walking by.
I took my disposable camera and the crew was really cool with it. They allowed me to take behind the scenes photos and pics of different sets and props between a few shoots. PLUS David Morse and Andre Braughter agreed to pose for a picture with me! It was great! It was very kind of them to do that for me after working such a long day...They were both very nice and friendly."
Related Links:
Dave Sitbon's Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery for Episode 14
Dave Sitbon's Photo with David Morse and Andre Braugher
Dave Sitbon's Web Site
Chuck Pressler |
My name is Chuck and I wanted to tell you about my experience with David Morse. I was in the 3rd episode (Domestic Disturbance) as a Phila. Police Officer stationed at a desk. As David and the woman walked past me, David and I had to look at each other at which time I remember something about him and make a phone call.
The latest shoot was at the Park Hyatt in Center City in a formal scene with David and Donna together. I will tell more after the episode is shown, sorry.
I do want to say that working with David was a great experience for me and he was very down to earth with me, though soft spoken and very polite. I look forward to working with him again in the future, if this chance ever presents itself.
I would like to share more but would rather answer questions. If anyone has any, feel free to contact me. Over all the experience on set was wonderful, the people I have met and worked with have all been very professional and friendly and I would do it all again.
(Click on the photo for a larger verson.)
Related Links
Chuck Pressler's scene in Domestic Disturbance (816 KB QuickTime Movie)
Kyf Brewer |
Almost all of what I do is with music and songwriting but I keep a headshot on file with most major casting directors, which has landed me the occasional odd role. I played Officer Jerry Ryan in an episode of Homicide. I was a junk dealer in a quick scene with Kathleen Turner in Serial Mom.
When I got the call to do a Hack episode, I had never seen the show and really hoped it wasn't all just pointless violence. After catching it, I realized that Olshansky was a good guy and thought, OK, this is a positive message. So as it turns out, I'm rather proud to play the role of a seedy cat who gets taught a lesson by the mighty Mike. (Episode All Night Long, that aired December 6, 2002)
David was a pleasure to work with - very down to earth, almost a little shy. (He was probably just concentrating on his lines!) Not to give away too much of the scene, but it gets physical and I just remember David after every cut coming over and saying, "are you all right..? ..am I hurting you..?" We did about seven hours of this. By the time I got home at around 4am I felt like I had got stuck in a carwash without my car. But it was exciting as hell.
(Click on the photo for a larger verson.)
Related Links:
Kyf Brewer's Scene in All Night Long (3.4 MB Quicktime Movie)
Kyf Brewer's still photo gallery in All Night Long
Kyf Brewer's Web site
Dave Sitbon |
"My name is David Sitbon and I was featured in the Hack episode entitled Songs in the Night. I played the medical examiner's office assistant. I have no lines, but it was so much fun ... and what an honor it was to meet Mr. Morse! As Mike (David Morse) is talking to the lady medical examiner. You see me in the background "working" behind a desk. I'm wearing my glasses and a grey and white striped shirt.
(Click on the photo for a larger version. And Click here for a capture of Dave's scene in Songs in the Night.
I got the small role as a background character. I am a forensic autopsy technician II for the Philadelphia Medical Examiners Office. A camera crew came to the Philly morgue to take pictures so they can re-create it on a set (the set is at the old Philadelphia Civic Center). After they left, I went on-line and sent an e-mail to them stating that they were at my place of business taking pictures of the morgue and office areas of the Philadelphia Medical Examiners Office and I told them what my title was.
Then, in the e-mail, I requested if they could somehow "squeeze me into the show as either an extra or background character." In this same e-mail, I also attached my picture. The very next day, I received a phone call! I was asked my height, weight and measurements over the phone and I was also asked if I could be at the Civic Center (their main set) Wednesday, October 16...I said "Sure!" I was originally supposed to be in a 2nd scene when Mike (David Morse) comes back to the Philly Medical Examiners Office. I had to go through a costume change because it was supposed to be 2:30 pm on a different day. During the rehearsal, I was pretending to be talking on the telephone; however, I was told that I couldn't be in the 2nd medical examiner scene becaue it didn't look right that someone else would be in the room during such a personal conversation at the Medical Examiners Office.
When I was on the set, I was sitting behind one of the M.E. Office desks. Between a take, David Morse said to me: "You really look busy back there...good work" (or something like that). I got so nervous that he actually talked to me, that all I could do is say thanks and stare at him with a big stupid grin on my face. After the scene, I walked up to him and apologized for freezing up and said that I was just nervous. Then I extended my hand to him and said "I'm David Sitbon from the Medical Examiner's Office." As he shook my hand, he was looking over my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and there was the M.E. Office set with the glass door that said "Medical Examiners Office." Then I looked back at him, and he held my hand a little firmer and said "Oh! You mean the REAL office! -- Glad to meet you."
I just have to say that it was one of the best experiences of my life and I would do it again in a second if ever given the opportunity. Seeing myself on National Televison on-screen with Mr. Morse was just a very emotionally happy and thrilled experience...I loved every second of it!"
Related Links:
Dave's Scene in Songs in the Night (QuickTime Movie High 1.1 MB)
Dave's Scene in Songs in the Night (QuickTime Movie High 481 KB)
Dave Sitbon's Web Site
Dave featured in an article by Michael Klein in the Philadelphia Inquirer
Mark Kochanowicz |
"My name is Mark Kochanowicz and I've been fortunate to work in three Hack episodes so far. Most recently I played a featured extra (security guard) in the All Night Long episode.
From first hand experience, I must say that the cast and crew work very hard and are dedicated to making a great show. Most of the time, the filming doesn't end until the wee small hours of the morning.
The three times that I've worked, David Morse has been on set for all of them. I am trying to be a professional so I don't bother him. Much of the time I'm studying his craft. On my first shoot, I played a stand-in and worked with David's stand-in John. At the end of the shoot, which was 1:30 AM, David, who was obviously tired, walked up to John and myself and said thank you and good-night. I thought that was so courteous of him. So I'll vouch for the others who have stated that he is a nice guy. From what I can tell, he really is."
Related Links:
Mark Kochanowicz' scene in All Night Long (487 KB Quicktime Movie)
Mark Kochanowicz' Web Site
Al Folsom
"Living in the Philly area, I've gotten hooked on Hack. Lately, though, we've been watching even more closely. My twin sons are in the still photo shown on the previews of Songs in the Night, and supposedly prominently featured in the episode, so we all (especially them) are really excited. (at right, Al Folsom)
That's Ed in the front, and Sam in the back (I think).
I really don't know the details of what will happen in the episode, though from what I understand, Olshansky is trying to locate a dead homeless man's brother, and this picture is a link to the two of them, supposedly taken in the 70's at a football game. We were at Franklin Field at U Penn for the picture, on a VERY hot day.
(Click here or on the photo for a larger image)
It's interesting - I maintain the website for the Bucks-Mont Mothers of Multiples group, and the answering machine for the club rings into our house. My wife and I were sitting in the living room when we heard the machine take a message from the casting director for Hack, looking for a pair of twins for the next day. About 30 seconds later, our own phone rang - she had gotten both phone numbers off the website. My wife asked what she was looking for, and it turns out they hadn't cast the guest star yet, and would pick one based on what the twins looked like.
The casting director and director looked at the pictures of the twins on our website, decided they would be OK, and had us come down the next day for the photo shoot.
The photo shoot was fun, though David Morse was not there. There were about a dozen other extras there, as well as two director types and a photographer. They spent about an hour taking probably close to 100 pictures to find the one they wanted, much more work than I expected for a single still photo. I suspect we'll see more of the photo in the episode, but I'd also be willing to bet the boys have at least 14 minutes and 30 seconds of fame still due them!
As I said, we're all a bit excited here, though the boys were a bit disappointed to find taxes taken out of their pay as extras!"
Related Links:
On-the-Scene Photos from the Photo Shoot
The QuickTime Promo for Episode 8, Songs in the Night
Jonah Wanicur |
Actor Jonah Wanicur was featured in Hack's second Episode Favors playing Skinhead #2 (shown in the center of the photo at left, one of the two guys in the garage where Marcellus and Olshanksy find Olshansky's stolen cab). He has this to say about that experience:
"I recently worked with David Morse on Hack and I must say he is one of the nicest guys that I have met in the business - so is Andre Braugher. I was definitely very lucky to work with both of those actors.
"Besides their tremendous talent, I couldn't have asked for a more down-to-earth pair of actors to guide me through this new, somewhat nerve-wracking, but incredible experience. They made both Derik Frymire (Skinhead #1) and I feel very comfortable while shooting the scene."
Click here or on the photo for a larger image.
Related Links:
Jonah Wanicur's scene in Favors (QuickTime Movie High 5.5 MB)
Jonah Wanicur's scene in Favors (QuickTime Movie Low 2.3 MB)