The Screen Actors Guild Foundation featured David in their Conversations series on May 20, 2003 in New York City. Conversations is a national speaker series designed for high profile SAG members to share their experience and knowledge with other members.
Included below are MP3 files of the first 30 minutes of the Conversations With David Morse, taped by Susan who was fortunate enough to attend. Here are some photos from that presentation as well as some comments from Susan about the presentation.
The 30 minutes have been split into two minute increments and each file is approximately 1.8MB. You really need a broadband connection in order to listen to the clips.
The clips will open up in a separate window using whatever your default player is for the play back of MP3 files.
When the files are first downloaded/played, they might start and stop, depending on your Internet connection. Play will resume once the download has caught up with the play back capability of your browser/media player.
But once the file is downloaded and stored in your browser, you can immediately play it, again, without interruption, by clicking on the play button in your media players' console display, in the new window.
The Screen Actors Guild Foundation site has posted some comments by attendees to this event.
Thanks, Susan!