The Green Mile Premiere

The Green Mile Premiere

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David Morse, "How are you?" E. Online, "Good, excellent, excellent job." DM, "Uh, thanks, thanks. E, "You had a lot of scenes with Tom Hanks (rest unitelligble)", DM, " Yeah, complete, complete lie, have you seen him yet tonight? Yeah, you'll find out, it's just going to be awful when you talk to him, yeah, yeah, if he talks to you." E, "It's a three hour prison drama, it's a tough sell, how do you think that you convince people to see it?" DM, "How do you, how do you sell it?" E, "Yeah." DM, "You say, Tom Hanks a lot, Tom Hanks, Tom Hanks, Tom Hanks. You know, I think there's kind of a reaction when the people to and I think it's more from, and I hate to say it, but from the press, than regular humans, when they hear three hours. I think the press has to see too many movies and the idea of another three hour movie doesn't really appeal to them, I, I think when human beings see it, it's not going to matter to them one way or another at all, they're just going to get to go for a great ride." E, When you talk about being on death row, it's sort of a very dark mood, but it's kinda to the contrary," DM, "Yeah, no, it is, no it's just a wonderful spirit and I think that's what you come away with is that, that spirit." E, "Do you believe in miracles?" DM, "I do, do you? E, "(unitelligble)" DM, "Oh well, you just maybe didn't recognize them ... OK."

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