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for May 7, 2001 Site Launched April 21, 2001 |
It's been a long time coming, but I have just learned that A.W.O.L. has finally been released in some limited theatrical venues.
To date it has played at the Santa Fe Film Festival, check this review.
A.W.O.L. was also premiered at the UK Horror Fest, where it was a finalist.
It will also be playing during the quarterfinals of the Very Short Movies/Golden Star Shorts Fest at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood on January 10th, 2007. Jessica Wethington (the Producer) and Lynda Cohen (the cinematographer) will be handling the Q&A after the screening.
Both David Morse and John C. McGinley have been invited.
A.W.O.L. is also a finalist at the Short Film Festival of India and will screen on January 6th & 7th, 2007 in Chennai.
A.W.O.L. also made the first cut and is among the films submitted for "final judging" at the Rochester International Film Festival.
The producers are planning on submitting the film to over 350 festivals during the course of 2007. (12/30/2006)
Here's a great article on about David Morse's upcoming six episode appearance on Hugh Laurie's show, House. (10/27/2006)
According to the IMDB, the movie The Mysteries of Pittsburgh features another actor named David Morse. (10/19/2006)
Nearing Grace opened, today, in the Seattle WA area, The review in the Seattle Times, hated the movie. Although, the reviewer said, "Morse has become a patron character actor of American independent cinema, and his work here is as good as anything he's done when he gets his moments, that is."
With reviews like that, this film will be on DVD, before Christmas. (10/13/2006)
Happy Birthday to David Morse who turns 53 on October 11, 2006. (10/10/2006)
This story about Hugh Laurie has more detail about David Morse's upcoming appearance on House,with Laurie saying:
House has a story arc beginning in this season's fourth episode, with guest star David Morse "playing a cop who begins a kind of vendetta against House. He has the power to make life complicated. He's in half a dozen episodes. We haven't worked together before, but I've admired him from afar. He's the most fantastic actor." (9/20/2006)
Season 1 of St. Elsewhere will be released on DVD on November 28, 2006. You can pre-order the DVD set on Amazon. (9/20/2006)
David Morse is featured in Philadelphia's TV campaign of their Ready. Or Not? emergency-preparedness drive. The Philadelphia Daily News has this story. (9/20/2006)
This story comments on the future plot line in House that will feature David Morse, saying:
"Later this fall, House will clash with a cop (David Morse) who is convinced House is stealing pills from the hospital and is in a dangerous cycle of self-overmedication."
And on this web site, they say:
"House's pill habit will also attract the attention of a police officer (David Morse, 16 Blocks) who will become a foil for the doctor. "House is, basically by just being House, going to piss off the wrong guy," Jacobs says. "That guy's going to be a cop, and that cop is going to be hip to the fact that House is not necessarily conducting his business on the up and up.
"It's going to be an arc to follow that's going to be really interesting."
For my part, I just hope they don't write the David Morse "cop" character, as some one-dimensional, "cop" role. More of a HACK type character, would be great.
One that's a real human being; like House, himself. And Mike Olshansky. (9/4/2006)
Nearing Grace will be released, theatrically in the US in October, 2006. (9/4/2006)
A David Morse fan, recently on vacation in CA, reported seeing David Morse in Venice Beach, CA, the weekend of August 19-20.
Hmmm. Could David have been in CA filming his upcoming guest appearances on the 3rd season of House? Or maybe he was just on a vacation.
For my part, I'm a BIG House fan. And am really looking forward to David Morse's appearance, on that show. (9/1/2006)
According to this web site, St. Elsewhere will be released on DVD on December 12. Fox has not yet confirmed this, but stay tuned. (8/31/2006)
Thank you to everyone who wrote to me, about my most recent encounter, with cancer. This time, breast cancer.
The healing is slow. Still a long road, ahead. But going forward. I'm very lucky. It's just one day, at a time .... (8/30/2006)
Just a personal update, from me, Mary D. Brown, the owner of David Morse Online.
I apologise for the paucity of updates to the site, lately. Slim pickings, I know. When David Morse has been active in a lot of stuff. And there's so much that David Morse has done, in the recent past, not reflected, on the site.
Just for my part, I was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer. On August 2, 2006, I successfully underwent surgery. No traces of the cancer left, after the surgery, although more treatments, ahead. Radiation and hormonal therapy. And recovery, from the surgery. It's still going to be a long and tough road, ahead.
It's really been sort of a bummer. Especially on top of my 12/04 Leiomyosarcoma Cancer diagnosis. For which, I'm still being treated.
Yet, one day at a time. That's all that any of us, can do.
I just wanted to say, I AM recovering, so please don't abandon, the site. I hope to be able to devote much more time to the site, in the very near future. And provide much more frequent, updates. For David Morse. A truly stellar actor.
Please feel free, to contact me. I'll answer you, as I'm able.
Thank you for your interest in David Morse Online. (8/12/2006)
According to this report, David Morse will be appearing in the third season of House as a guest star. (8/9/2006)
Check out the new David Morse Online Search engine. Now, fully functional. As Data would say. The link is in the right side-bar.
Mucho thanks, again, to Kaitlyn C. Conway, Karen Pendleton, Michele Vallecorse and one other anonymous donor's contributions, for adding this great feature to David Morse Online. (7/1/2006)
Here's a great David Morse article. (6/22/2006)
The Down in the Valley DVD will be released in the US (Region 1) on September 26, 2006. And according to the David Morse Fan Site Japan, the DVD releases in Japan (Region 2) on June 23, 2006. (6/20/2006)
According to this story, David Morse began shooting a new film this week in Wilmington, NC. The story says the film is untitled, and also stars Dakota Fanning and Robin Wright Penn. Sounds like the movie Hounddog that the imdb shows as being in development. (6/6/2006)
For those of you wondering when Down in the Valley may be playing in a theater near you, here's this info from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel:
"The independent ThinkFilm finally picked up Down in the Valley for domestic release in mid-January. It debuted May 5 in three theaters in New York, with a decent $7,602 per-screen average. As of last Sunday, the movie had hit a total of 28 theaters nationwide, grossing $200,000. From now through June 23, when it will go much wider, ThinkFilm will continue with its strategy of adding around 10 new theaters per week."
Here in the Seattle area, the film is playing at the AMC Loews Uptown 3, located on 511 Queen Anne Ave N. (5/28/2006)
Nearing Grace's production company Whitewater Films has announced that the film will be released in theaters "later this summer." The site has the USA release date as August 18, 2006. (5/27/2006)
Here's an interesting web site, about cancelled TV shows. Brilliant But Cancelled. I don't recognize any of the series, but maybe some of you, do. (5/26/2006)
Here's a great story about David Morse from the Movies Unlimited web site, Focus On: David Morse & Down In The Valley. (5/24/2006)
 | has this story David Morse: Master of dark, deep characters. (5/21/2006)
Here's an interview with David Morse titled Scene Stealer: Down in the Valley's David Morse in Premier Magazine. (5/20/2006)
Down in the Valley opens here, in Seattle, WA, at the Uptown Theatre on Friday, May 19, 2006. (5/16/2006)
According to the site, the HD Network will be airing Hack episodes.
I'm not a rocket scientiist, but I'm assuming that you have to both have a HDTV AND subscribe to the HD Network to view the Hack episodes.
Not yet the case, for me, anyway. But maybe for some of you? Here's the link, to subscribe. (5/15/2006)
Here's a new program that David Morse is involved in.
Edens Lost and Found
Philadelphia: The Holy Experiment
According to, "Philadelphia's environment is examined through the Philadelphia Green program and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. David Morse hosts. "
The show airs on PBS on May 25 at 10:00PM. Check your local listings for when it will be playing where your are. (5/15/2006)
Here's an interesting item on about David Morse. (5/11/2006)
16 Blocks will be released in Region 1 DVD on June 13, 2006. The features of the Disc include:
- Alternate Ending Not Shown In Theaters
- Deleted Scenes With Commentary by Director Richard Donner and Writer Richard Wenk (5/8/2006)
Down in the Valley will go into wide release in the US on May 26, 2006. (4/30/2006)
Here's a glowing review from Rolling Stone magazine for Down in the Valley. Read all of the reviews, so far at
The movie will be released in the US in NYC on May 5, 2006. Stay tuned for the release of the movie in other cities. (4/27/2006)
David Morse has just begin filming Disturbia directed by D.J. Caruso and also starring Shia LaBeouf, Carrie-Anne Moss and Sara Roemer according to this news from Variety.
The story revolves around a troubled high school senior (LaBeouf), still grieving over his father's death, who is sentenced to house arrest after an outburst of anger at school. While at home, he becomes convinced that his neighbor (David Morse) is a serial killer. Filming began in Los Angeles on Monday, March 27, 2006. (3/28/2006)
Martin Altman has this report:
"I saw David Morse on March 13, 2006. He was Odysseus in a theatrical reading of Homer's Odyssey. It was at 8PM at the 92 Street Y in Manhattan.
It was unbelievable. I would say he was type cast (lol). He was perfect. It was one of the most exciting things I've seen on stage in years. And only $17.00. I took my wife there for her birthday.
Also in the production were Mary Beth Hurt and Kate Burton. There was a Greek Chorus of 3 great black singers. And wonderful a-tonal music that fit perfectly with the singing and reading. The fact that he trained as a stage actor really showed. The whole thing was superb." (3/15/2006)
According to this web site, Down in the Valley will be released, in limited markets, on April 21, 2006. (3/4/2006)
This *** review of 16 Blocks from the Daily News states:
"The actors keep things interesting in their own way. Willis can convey spiritual exhaustion with the best of them. And Morse,of late, has become the go-to guy whenever a filmmaker needs a smart, smiling human tumor." (3/4/2006)
The Daytona Beach has this story about David Morse, Morse code not difficult to crack. (3/4/2006)
The insidebayarea web site's opinion of 16 Blocks says:
"If their friendship works at all, it's because of the clever casting of David Morse (The Green Mile) as the third point in the triangle. Frank Nugent, Jack's ex-partner of 20 years, could have been a standard movie villain, but the gentle, likable yet surprisingly crafty Morse gives him a soul. (3/4/2006)
The San Francisoo Chronicle opines, about 16 Blocks and David Morse:
"On the plus side, the film (16 Blocks) has a decent premise, some nice observations about human nature and a first-rate villain in David Morse, who acts as if he has no idea he's playing a villain but rather a reasonable man who just happens to be unsentimental about taking necessary action (theft, corruption and murder). (3/4/2006)
The Detroit News has this to say about David Morse in 16 Blocks:
"You can't have a good action flick, though, without a good bad guy, and the eternally overlooked, underappreciated Morse (St. Elsewhere, The Rock, The Green Mile) gives 16 Blocks precisely the sort of smarmy, cold-hearted killer this sort of film needs as a focal point. He has the sort of smile that lets you know he's evil as soon as he flashes it (a Satanic goatee helps, of course) and his lawyerly smooth talking just drives home the point." (3/4/2006)
In this 16 Blocks review from the Albuquerque Tribune, they say:
"David Morse is flawless as a flawed police detective with a vested interest in keeping the con from testifying." (3/4/2006)
Here's an interview with David Morse from, '16 Blocks' Paves Path To Past For Morse (3/4/2006)
This review of 16 Blocks from states:
16 Blocks is surprisingly sweet. It was directed by Richard Donner, the 75-year-old action vet who did all four Lethal Weapon movies, and it has a gritty urban milieu that recalls '70s cop flicks like The French Connection and Dog Day Afternoon. Also like those earlier films, it leaves plenty of room for its actors to inhabit.
Bruce Willis stows his trademark smirky charm to crumple down completely into the character of the middle-aged loser Jack Mosley. And David Morse, as the likable but lethal Frank Nugent, does an extraordinary thing, too with an insinuating warmth belied by calculating eyes, he seems to be channeling a younger Gene Hackman." (3/4/2006)
Here's another great review of 16 Blocks from the Arizona Reporter that states:
"Filmed largely in Toronto with a number of scenes in Manhattan, 16 Blocks features a powerful performance particularly by David Morse as a fellow who has too much class to take Jack down when he has the opportunity, delegating that function to one of his flunkies. Morse, known to patrons of the indies for his emotionally dead role as John Booth, a drunk driver being sought for revenge after killing a little girl in The Crossing Guard, raises his voice only once, relying instead on trying to convince Jack to do the wrong thing, i.e. to allow Nugent to execute the thief before he can show up at the grand jury." (3/4/2006)
Here's a great review of 16 Blocks from the North Carolina Relish Now! web site that states, in part:
"Willis plays Mosley's be-draggled condition a little too self-consciously but settles into a more comfortable and appealing groove. Def's not bad, but for some reason he adopts a nasal twang that becomes annoying quickly. As their pursuer, Morse electrifies every scene he's in and steals the show." (3/4/2006)
The DVD of David Morse's movie Dreamer; Inspired by a True Story will be released on March 21, 2006. (3/3/2006)
Here's a great review of 16 Blocks from my own Seattle P.I.
(Just as an aside, my father worked at the Seattle P.I. for almost 40 years.) (3/2/2006)
Hee's another 16 Blocks interview from the web site, 16 Blocks' Paves Path To Past For Morse; Director Donner Gave Actor First Role In 1980. (3/2/2006)
Here's a great French web site devoted to 16 Blocks. Very well done. (3/2/2006)
Here's some more photo sites, for David Morse.
Here's some great WireImage photos of David Morse from the 16 Blocks New York City premiere on February 27, 2006. (3/1/2006)
Here's an interview with David Morse on the Action-Adventure Movies Blog. (3/1/2006)
Here's a write-up of the Bruce Willis and David Morse interview on the CBS Early Show that aired on March 1, 2006. (3/1/2006)
16 Blocks is getting some good reviews for David Morse. Check out this one, saying "And David Morse (you know him from TV 's St. Elsewhere and Hack, and The Green Mile) makes the most compelling, multidimensional villain I've seen in a long time." 2/28/2006)
Warner Brothers is sponsoring a contest to Win a 16 Blocks Autographed Poster and other Movie Prizes. The contest runs Feb. 15, 2006 through March 15, 2006 and is for U.S. residents only. (2/15/2006)
Down in the Valley has been picked up for distribution by ThinkFilm of New York. The film will have a limited release in the spring, The Hollywood Reporter said Friday. (1/15/2006)
David Morse's movie 16 Blocks is scheduled for a theatrical release in the USA on March 3, 2006. Check out the official web site where you can view the trailer. (1/15/2006) |
The Boston Globe reports that on Jan. 30, David Morse will be at the Shubert Theatre for a reading of Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh to kick off the Wang Center for the Performing Arts' third annual American Voices: Drama, Dialogue, Downtown. If you live in the Boston area, check here, for tickets. (1/5/2006) |
Here's a great "chance encounter," from a David Morse Fan:
"I made a stop today (11/25/2005) at a Home Depot in, Pa. I was taking a moment to check on a price on an appliance.
As I was browsing I noticed a rather tall gentleman in casual clothing browsing through the section. He looked familiar to me. But I was worried that I might be mistaken.
It was David Morse.
I approached him and asked "Excuse me, but are you an actor?"
He replyed very simply "Yes"
I was quite frankly dumbstruck. I have never met a movie star before. I stuttered around completely unable to remember any of the parts he has played. ( I know he probably felt insulted that I couldn't name a single thing that he had played in even though I consider myself quite the movie geek). I stumbled through some speech about how wonderful an actor he was and how much I had enjoyed his work.
He said, "I was in the Green Mile." At that moment in time I probably couldn't pronounce my own name but, I managed to stammer out "Would you mind?" and handing him the blank end of my business card.
Neither of us had a pen.
So I accosted one of the store workers and literally ripped the pen out of his vest pocket and handed it to Mr. Morse.
He asked my name and wrote, For Larry, Thank You, David Morse.
And as I rode up the northeast extension I kept racking my brain to come up with the name of a movie I had seen with him in it.
Till I was passed by a cab on its way to Allentown and HACK suddenly jumped into my mind.
And then I could see his whole filmography in my head.
And I wondered if there was some way to apologize for being so starstruck and insensate.
But, I am here to tell you. He was a very nice guy, even to me in my moment of stupidity.
And that. I have to tell you, made my day." (10/25/2005)
David Morse's movie Dreamer will be released on October 21, 2005. (7/6/2005)
Tess discovered this story from the filming of 16 Blocks. (registration, required.) (6/18/2005)
According to this story, 16 Blocks will continue filming in Toronto through June 24 and then will complete filming in NYC during the two weeks following. (6/13/2005)
Here is the poster for David Morse's new movie 16 Blocks, starring Bruce Willis and Mos Def. (6/8/2005)
Here is a photo of David taken in Toronto in the past week where David is currently filming 16 Blocks. The photo was taken with Bing, who is working as an extra in the film. (5/16/2005)
Down in the Valley will be the opening-night film of the Los Angeles Film Festival to be held on June 16-26. (5/11/2005)
Six Against the Rock will be released on DVD on July 12, 2005. (5/4/2005)
David Morse has been cast in 16 BLOCKS directed by Richard Donner (Lethal Weapon) and based on a screenplay written by Richard Wenk. 16 BLOCKS follows Jack Mosley (Bruce Willis), an aging cop assigned the mundane task of escorting a fast-talking, wise-cracking young witness (Mos Def) to the courthouse sixteen city blocks away, and the action-packed thrill-ride that takes place in those "sixteen blocks."
Check out this site for more information on 16 BLOCKS. (4/29/2005)
David Morse Online did receive some great photos of David Morse from the Set in Philadelphia Awards ceremony. Thanks to Rosary and Susan, who both attended the event.
Stay tuned. (4/20/2005)
Film lineups for The 58th Cannes Film Festival were announced, recently. Down in the Valley is included in the Un Certain Regard category.
Thanks, Yoshiko. David Morse Fan Site Japan (4/20/2005)
The Greater Philadelphia Film office has a story about the 2005 Set in Philadelphia Awards at the Radisson Plaza Warwick Hotel, presented in Philadelphia on April 9th.
David Morse will present the David Hoag the 2005 SIP Grand Prize for his screenplay, The Biographer.
Stay tuned for some photos from the event, from people who attended. (4/13/2005)
The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting that on April 9 at 4:15 PM, David Morse will announce the winner of the Set in Philadelphia screenwriting contest at the Warwick.
This event is a part of a series of free talks and workshops, sponsored by Greater Philadelphia Filmmakers, where industry professionals explain the film craft. (3/29/2005)
Truly sad news. Jerry Orbach, the true "heart" of the Law and Order TV franchise died of prostate cancer, on December 28, 2004, at the age of 69.
At the time of his death, Jerry was currently filming a new Law and Order spin-off, Law and Order: Trial by Jury.
Wouldn't it be great if they hired David Morse, for this role? Not Jerry's role (he's irreplaceable) but a complementary role.
David Morse would be perfect, for it. (1/03/05)
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