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Here are three more stories from the late '80s.
This one from The Ottowa Citizen was published in November 1989 when David was filming Desperate Hours. This one from the St. Louis Times-Dispatch was published in December, 1989 at the time of the first airing of Brotherhood of the Rose. And finally this one from the St. Petersburg Times in January, 1988 was published as St. Elsewhere was winding down.
Thanks, Laura! (10/1)
A mention in this Philadelphia Inquirer story by Gail Shister, Hack Rules, gives a nice write-up of Hack's Friday night ratings win. (10/1)
 | is reporting these ratings for Hack on Friday night, with the show now placing first in the Friday, 9:00 PM time period:
"On a positive note for CBS was the series premiere of Hack with a first-place 9.5/16 at 9 p.m. -- 86 percent ahead of lead-in 48 Hours Investigates (season premiere: #3, 5.1/9) and 83 percent above the year-ago season premiere of former time period occupant That's Life (5.2/9 on Sept. 28, 2001). Based on fast nationals, Hack ranked second in the hour among adults 18-49 (3.3/11), 74 percent ahead of lead-in 48 Hours Investigates (#4: 1.9/7) but 15 percent below NBC's competing Dateline (#1: 3.9/12)." (9/30)
This story NBC, 'SVU' Win Friday; CBS' 'Hack' Starts Strong give the fast National ratings for Friday, Sept. 27, 2002, which says about Hack:
"Dateline kept its lead at 9 p.m. with an 8.4/15. Close behind was CBS' Hack, which premiered to an impressive 8.2/15. FOX's John Doe, 4.4/8, dropped off some in its second week, and few people ventured back to the '80s with ABC's That Was Then, which averaged a meager 3.0/5 in its debut...
Ratings information is taken from fast national data. All numbers are preliminary and subject to change." (9/29)
The Usenet newsgroup includes this interesting exchange of people giving their viewpoints and reactions to Hack.
Unlike the critics, it seems that regular people are willing to give the show a chance. (9/29)
Here is a new story from the Associated Press about David and Hack:
Entertainment - AP TV
Actor Recalls Cab Driving Days
Fri Sep 27, 4:24 PM ET
TV Guide Online's Hack page is listing this as the plot line for the 2nd episode of Hack.
October 4: Favors: Mike helps a gambler (Fisher Stevens) who owes money to a bookie, but comes to regret it; Marcellus requests his old partner's assistance in apprehending a suspected killer. (9/27)
Here is a great feature story in The Boston Globe about David and Hack. The story includes a lot of personal quotes from David about various topics and is well worth checking out. (9/27)
For your enjoyment, here are three new (older) stories published in December, 2000 at the time that Proof of Life had it's theatrical release.
It seems that since Crowe and Ryan declined to do any publicity for the film, the onus fell on the two Davids (Morse and Caruso) to pick up the slack. The first is from the Edmonton Journal, this one from The Richmond Times Dispatch and finally this one from the Times Colonist (Victoria). Thanks, Laura! (9/27)
Hack Sneak Peek!
Here is an all-new Hack Photo Gallery from the CBS Promo DVD CBS SneakPeek.
This DVD includes a 14 minute summary segment from the Hack pilot that airs on September 27, 2002, which pretty much covers the entire plot, although in abbreviated form.
Thanks, Susan! (9/26)
You too can obtain a copy of the CBS Promo DVD, if you live in the US. These DVDs are available for free at all US Blockbuster locations. So, if there's a Blockbuster in your area, stop by and see if you can pick one up.
There was a big stack at my local Blockbuster, just today, but hurry before they run out! (9/26)
There's a whole lot of new stories, today about Hack from the Philadelphia newspapers and many others around the country. Check out the Hack News page to read the latest! (9/26)
Hack continues to get brutalized by the critics even before the season premiere with this latest Variety story Future Looks Black for CBS' 'Hack'
Well, maybe the behind the scenes shakeup announced on 9/22 will improve the quality of the show, if it really is as bad as some of these critics are making it out to be. (9/26)
David's stage work is illuminated in these three stories, this story from the L.A. Times reviewing the 1995 On the Waterfront, this N.Y Times story about 1996's An Almost Holy Picture, and finally this N.Y. Times story about 1997's How I Learned to Drive.
Thanks, Laura! (9/24)
Here's a June, 2001 story from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur written during the filming of Double Vision.
Thanks, Laura! (9/23)
This story from Variety reports a change of producers and directors for Hack: New Passenger Boards CBS' 'Hack'
Not sure what's up with this. Maybe because a lot of critics are saying the show will never last? This is big business and big money. No one can afford to be on the losing end.
Well, we'll all being staying tuned. Especially, next Friday, 9/27/02, where at least US residents, et al can check out the show, for themselves. (9/22)
Here are some very interesting stories from the early '80s, when St. Elsewhere was just beginning it's run on network television. This 1982 story from the Washington Post is called The I.V. League Comes to TV; NBC's St. Elsewhere: Just What the Doctor Ordered. David is singled out as one of the best aspects of the show.
This 1983 story from UPI called Elsewhere's David Morse: acting was the ticket is also very illuminative of David's career in its' early years. Thanks, Laura! (9/21)
CBS' Hack site has been updated and now includes a lot more information about the show and the stars. Thanks, Yoshiko! (9/21)
This story in the Vancouver Sun, It's sci-fi and crime on freaky Friday nights also has some good things to say about Hack:
Hack Rating 3
Fridays, 9-10 p.m., Global and KIRO-CBS, beginning Sept. 27
Critics have been lining up to lambaste Hack, a vigilante-style mystery anthology featuring David Morse as a down-on-his-luck ex-cop forced to drive a cab to make ends meet, but I see solid potential for a long-running series. It could become the modern-day equivalent of The Equalizer, which made an unlikely star and thinking woman's sex symbol out of the fine Australian actor Edward Woodward in the late 1980s. Morse has a natural empathy as a performer and the supporting cast includes Andre Braugher, late of the unfairly cancelled Gideon's Crossing, and George Dzundza (Law & Order). Thanks, Laura! (9/20)
This article in the Calgary Herald Lone Ranger,Spider-Man have nothing on Hack: CBS creates an Everyman hero out of former cop gives a good spin on Hack. Thanks, Laura! (9/20)
The results are in from that Entertainment Weekly poll where you could go vote saying whether you plan to watch Hack or pass on it. The final results show that 26% plan to watch it and 74% plan to pass on it. (9/19)
This is an article from the Westchester County, NY Journal News written at the time that The Slaughter Rule was premiering at Sundance. Thanks, Laura! (9/19)
Here is a Review of Double Vision written by Variety in June. Sheesh, a bit mixed, especially, "Still, until it jumps the rails in the final reels, this is a workmanlike, sometimes effective serial-killer crime drama with limited theatrical potential in East Asia and almost none in Western markets."
I sure hope that's not true! But hopefully, we'll at least get the DVD.
Thanks, Laura! (9/18)
The September 23, 2002 issue of People Magazine is also running the CBS full page ad for Hack. And thanks to Lynda of the DMFC sending me a scan of it, here it is for your enjoyment.
Thanks, Lynda! (9/18)
The Philadelphia Daily News is recommending Hack, saying:
"CBS' Hack. Philadelphians particularly will want to see how the city comes off in this drama about a cop-turned-cabdriver (David Morse) that's been shooting here since late July. The cabbie-vigilante motif may be a little hokey, but Morse is terrific, and he's backed up by a cast that includes Andre Braugher ("Homicide: Life on the Street") and George Dzundza ("Law & Order"). 9 p.m. Fridays, Channel 3. Premieres: Sept. 27.
Australian resident Anna V. reports:
"Double Vision will be opening in Sydney on Thursday 7 November 2002. It will be playing at the Dendy Opera Quays (which is located near the Opera House) and also being shown at the Verona cinemas at Paddington. I for one will be there to see it."
Thanks, Anna! (9/16)
The Philadelphia Inquirer features this story: 'Hack' can be hailed for more than its Phila. setting. (9/15)
CBS has gone all out and is featuring no fewer than 7 full page advertisements for their 2002 Fall Season shows in the September 20, 2002 issue of Entertainment Weekly. One of which is for Hack!
The stylized ad shows David standing in front of his cab, with the tagline, "When you need someone who answers to no one."
Again, I'm sorry I'm currently scannerless, so I can't scan the ad, but if you can get a copy of the magazine, it's well worth checking out! (9/13)
Here is the new Hack CBS Video Gallery, featuring Quicktime movies of CBS's aired promotions for David's new TV series premiering on September 27, 2002. Thanks, Susan, for the clips! (9/10)
TV Guide magazine's latest issue (Sept. 14-20) features their Fall Preview, and they have this to say about Hack. Ah, what do they know.
Although, the TV Guide print edition features a much better photo of David than the photo that is shown accompanying their web story, click here to view the photo.
Thanks, Lynda, for scanning the photo! (9/10)
Hearts in Atlantis makes it's US pay cable debut on HBO on September 14, 2002. Check out David's current TV schedule to see the times when it will be showing. (9/10)
This Associated Press story gives a mini-review of Hack. (9/6)
Dick Bruno, Chairperson of the International Post-Polio Task Force reports that David will be doing a Public Service Announcement for Post-Polio Sequelae to run on CBS in the near future. For more information on Post-Polio Sequelae, check out the Post-Polio Letter.
And here's a photo of Dick, David, and Senator Bill Bradley taken in 1987 when David travelled to Washington D.C. to further assist this cause. (9/5)
Here's a new Double Vision wallpaper from WykedRed. To download it, just click here (or on the photo at left) and the file will open up in a new browser window.
Thanks, WykedRed! (9/4)