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This Hollywood Reporter story concerning the Fall, 2002 TV schedule mentions Hack saying,
"On the drama side, CBS is said to be considering its pilot Hack, about a former cop-turned-taxi driver, for a Saturday slot."
That's good buzz prior to the official announcements next week.
Thanks, Susan! (5/9)
According to this Reuters story, the networks will be announcing their fall TV lineups next week, saying
"They (current TV programs) are competing against dozens of new "pilot" programs being screened this month for network executives in search of the next big thing. Their future will be sealed when the broadcasters reveal their new slate of shows next week to advertisers at the annual "upfront" presentations in New York."
So, we should know the fate of Hack by next week. We'll certainly be staying tuned for the announcement! (5/8)
Here's a great photo and review of The Slaughter Rule from an althernative New York web site.
Also, The Slaughter Rule is scheduled to be shown at the Las Vegas Film Fest (Cinevegas) that runs from June 8-June 15. More details to come, soon.
Thanks, Susan! (5/8)
A Yahoo/Variety story mentions David Koepp, the writer of Hack saying,
"The record $114 million opening weekend of Spider-Man is further proof of David Koepp's talent for writing successful film franchises.
Before the webslinger, other Koepp scripted blockbusters were Jurassic Park ($920 million worldwide gross) Lost World ($615 million worldwide) and Mission: Impossible ($454 million worldwide). And the Koepp-scripted Panic Room is on course to do $100 million domestically.
Endeavor recently brokered a deal for Koepp to adapt Stephen King's Two Past Midnight: Secret Window, Secret Garden to direct himself, and he's got a pilot creation, Hack, in contention for CBS' fall schedule. "
Wow! With such talent as that, not to mention the strong cast, I'd say Hack really has a chance at being picked up.
Thanks, Susan! (5/7)
Here's an interesting Hack article from the Philadelphia Weekly discovered by the David Morse Fan Site Japan.(4/28)
Double Vision will be premiering at the Cannes Film Festival that runs from May 15 - 26, 2002. It will be screened on May 21, 2002.
Interesting news, although disappointing that none of the news articles announcing the Cannes line-up even mention Double Vision. That's reminiscent of The Slaughter Rule, at Sundance, where the latter received almost zero press hype. (4/25)
Another Hack Report!
Philly resident Ken McGraw checks in with "David Morse was outside the Doubletree Hotel on Locust and Broad on 4-18. He was shaking hands and talking to bystanders. They were filming with a taxi all wired with lights and cameras. Friday morning they were all gone."
Thanks, Ken! Hopefully, we'll all be seeing Hack, sometime soon. (4/21)
Was it all a dream? More from Eileen, on Hack:
"Well, It was if they were never there, I walked by after work (4/17) and the building, with the exception of some open windows and a big crane that use to have cameras on it ... everything else was gone. Same thing this morning (4/18), except the crane was gone. I'm not sure if they're done shooting in Philly... or if they just moved to another location, but I'll keep my eyes open and ear to the ground!!"
Thanks again, Eileen. Your reports were almost as good being there! (4/18)
And here's another Hack update from Eileen:
"I tried to go by the set this morning (4/17) but they were still filming!! (That's the first i've seen something going on other then set up and people cleaning up.) My co-worker who also tried to go down Sansom said that they had each end of Sansom Street blocked off, and that the street was full of people and cameras. (No David sightings yet!)"
Thanks, Eileen! (4/17)
Hack Update!
Philly resident Eileen W. checks in with this report on Hack:
"I have a "Hack" update for you! I live in the Rittenhouse neighborhood of Philadelphia...right around the corner from my home, between the blocks of 19th & 20th on Sansom street they have turned an old vacated buliding "The Warwick", into a set for The Hack. I have not seen David Morse, for they seem to be filming only at night. I have a feeling today maybe the last night of filming (as per some Police signs for temporary "no parking" along 20th Street). I walk past there every morning on my way to work and they seem to be cleaning up from the filming from the night before. Tonight (4/16) on my way home from work (around 5:15pm) they were starting to set up for filming. (Food trucks and all) I spoke to a guy who watches over the set, and he confirmed that it is the set for The Hack.
Thanks, Eileen! (4/16)
Here are a couple more new (old) stories about David.
This one, from the Winnipeg Free Press newspaper is called A hellish experience: Making of Proof of Life involved casualties, brutal conditions.
And here's another from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch called Co-Stars Morse And Caruso Took Different Roads From TV To Film.
Thanks, Laura! (4/12)
The Hack pilot is currently shooting in Philadelphia and thanks to a local Philly newspaper, one of the locations, on Cresson St. has been revealed! (4/5)
Check out the Double Vision teaser trailer and other info on this web site There also is another official web site for Double Vision where you can view the trailer.
Not sure what's up with these dual "official" Double Vision web sites. (You can see the prior one here.) Guess we'll see which one becomes active first! (4/4)
There's been so much news, lately, about Hack that I decided to just consolidate it all into one document. You can read it all here. (4/4)
Ed Weiner, from had a great story, today (4/4) about David. And even more, he mentioned many of the great David Morse web sites, that are available, and giving the URLs.
Including David Morse Online!
It's so great to see David, this so very talented actor, getting some press recognition that is so well-deserved. (4/4)
Here's another in the series of new (older) articles about David. This one is from the Orlando Sentinel dated December 8, 2000 and is called, Whatever the Role, Morse is a Natural. Thanks, Laura! (4/4)